Short Presents, is introducing a new series: Product Reviews
The series will provide an explanation of a specific product, and its purpose, while then providing a consumer review. Find out what gets the Short Presents Stamp of Approval, so you can assess whether to buy or not to buy. Products will be tried, tested, and ultimately labelled Buy or Pass. I do not intend to offend anyone, the opinions expressed here are simply my own, and are just suggestions to save you from wasting your money.
Today's product review is inspired by my favourite birthday gift my Av-Luxe Hair Straightener. |
It's called the Cadillac of hair straighteners for a reason, just check out the number it did on my hair. I'm not sure how this happened, but somehow my hair seems to be getting more and more unruly as the days progress, just check out these before and after photos.
This is what I'm working with here people; clinically crazy crazy hair. After blowing out my hair this is what I'm left to tackle: bumps and kinks all over. My hairdresser says that I have three different kinds of hair on my head. The front is fine, and curly, and the back is heavy and limp, and then there are spots that are just in between. Thanks to curly haired grandparents on both sides I have a cornucopia of hair on top of my head: be afraid, be very afraid.
5-10 minutes later:
Boom BABY!
If this puppy can work this magic on my hair IMAGINE what it could do for you. If you have curly hair please don't feel like you need to straighten it. Curly hair is beautiful and don't let any John Freda commercial tell you otherwise. I just can't seem to find a way to manage my fuzz, and I love my bangs, so I like a sleek look for Fall/Winter. During the summer months my hair is au-natural, and periodically during the year (like when I sleep in).
For more info on this bad boy go to:
Happy Thursday,
had an great experience with this permanent hair straightening and fabulous hair product its very time saving machine it consume very less time to straight the hair