Atlantic Fashion Week: Designer Showcase

June 14, 2012

730: Leave condo to pick up Mo
7:45: Arrive at Casino and attempt to get out of the car like a lady. Conclusion? Immediate fail due to hiking down shorts in avoidance of any chance of camel toe. Inner self reminder: comfortable people do not tug at their clothing. Walk in shoulders back and chin up, and whatever you do DON'T FALL.

Walk through entire casino in 5inch heels and ruby red lipstick: awkward everyone is staring.

Wait for doors to open. Accept Redkin Hair product goodie bag for the boy. Selfless act for the day: check!

8:05 Doors Open: we make our way to the front row and snag seats for the rest of gal pals.

Continue to socialize with the other bloggers and media related peeps: double kiss mwah mwah "you look great", "oh no you do", "awe thanks you're so sweet".

Shows starting soon must grab a drink: double gin and soda please (long line). Lots of familiar faces and white blazers (note to self: white blazers very in, and also very classic maybe I should have bought the one I tried on from envy? Oh there’s carpet right must not fall down in public).

Cue music show’s starting
Ciao Bellas
See you at intermission

Monday’s Child 


Veronica MacIssac 

Orphanage Clothing

Jere Brooks



All My Fashions

Dreamboat Lucy

Sebastian Couture

Special thanks to the photographers for being so generous in allowing us bloggers to sit back and enjoy the show while they worked their magic behind the lens. Photos c/o Denis Duquette Photography.

What are your thoughts about the designs blog reader? Which are your favorite?  


  1. That second Cranky dress is now in my closet. YAY!

  2. SO bummed i couldn't be there but also SO happy you took me through the entire event! Loved this recap!

  3. Anonymous6/16/2012

    Dreamboat Lucy has some really interesting textures and styles going on there. One of my favourites!

    Also - is tartan coming back? Interesting! I think I still have a tartan skirt form my school, I had better not throw it away yet :)
