Fall in love with Mustard Coloured Clothing

October 21, 2011

Fashion Friday
It's that time again, oh how I love the energy of people on Friday. For some it is the end of a long gruelling work week, and people are hopefully looking forward to some peace and quiet in preparation for the week to follow. If you're anything like me you are quite the contrary; you completely bulldoze right through the weekend wondering where all your "spare" time went. Whether you are in column A or column B, you can always benefit from a little fabulous fashion fix before you head into your retreat or the heart of your work week. 

[Every Friday Short Presents features a fashion and beauty related blog post, from inspirational outfit ideas to in-depth look at trends spotted directly on the runway. I read a lot of fashion blogs, and watch a lot of Fashion Television and I just write about when I like what I see] 

Today's Fashion Friday Post is inspired by mustard coloured clothing

photocred: fashionsmashion.com

While shopping on the weekend it was no coincidence that the sweater I tried on directly matched the headband in my hair, and also the socks I purchased the day before. It turns out folks that I am full blown obsessed with mustard coloured clothing. I'm not sure if I'm taking inspiration from the leaves changing colour or longing for the beautiful sunshine that only seems to be making rare appearances lately, but I'm going to embrace this mood boosting colour phase.

photocred: http://reettaevelina.buzznet.com
This colour instantly livens up any outfit, but I get the sense that there is a reluctance to sport this bold hue. I will tell you that every time I ever wear this colour I ALWAYS receive a compliment. People are always saying "oh great colour choice" or "I love your bag, such a great colour". 

Reluctant to radiate in yellow this fall? Here are some tips:
Keep it below the waist: If you feel that this colour washes you out, you're probably right, but that doesn't mean you can't wear it. Just keep the colour away from your face by wearing mustard coloured tights, detailing on your shoes, or skirts.

Get it in print: When it comes to mustard the key is to balance out this bold hue with other colours (preferably jewel tones for the fall season). If you're a little weary of this colour opt for the colour in a printed pattern instead. 

Available for purchase at
Sprinkle your outfit with mustard accessories, I love mustard coloured hats, gloves, scarves, or bags.

photocred: seamplicity.com

Own it:  Wear your colour choice with confidence; it you are crushing over this colour too just go for it.

Happy Fabulous Friday Fashion Vixens 

1 comment:

  1. This site is excellent and so is how the subject matter was explained. I also like some of the comments too. Looking forward to your next post..
